adjustable modular system

In many patients, the use of the stabilizer allows and facilitates straightening of the spine. The upright position activates the muscles of the intestine and helps to counteract the formation of pressure sores.
The use of the Steady allows, through standing statics, an improvement in respiratory and cardiovascular functions, and by exploiting gravity to maintain the musculoskeletal system.
Thanks to a dynamic plane that allows you to pass from the prone / supine position to the static upright position, it helps in maintaining the ROM (Range of Motion) of the affected joints and, through the containment bands with which to lock / maintain the knees, and the single footplate , adjustable in height and inclination, which allows the flexion-extension of the foot, limits the muscular retractions that accompany the reduction of mobility, preserving the degrees of extension of the lower limbs.
Two containment shoes adjustable in abduction and intra-external rotation, with two fastening bands, guarantee stability and activity during the loading phase of the plantar flexor muscles of the feet.